A Trip Down Bridge Global’s 2023 Memory Lane!
Phew! The world seems to run so fast, ain’t it? Or should we say it was the year? Yep, it was 2023, gone like an eyeblink or next to no time. While it was jam-packed with catching on trends along with faddish ones, there’s no two ways about us having an absolute jamboree.
Since Bridge Global always drop-ships our precious look back at a year (at its end, of course), it’s no different this time as well, and will always be close to our hearts.
Sanskriti Gets The First Roll
Sanskriti - our cultural, arts, and sports committee for 2023 got its ball rolling on a high note. A handful of its members always involves both new and experienced Bridgys with electric energy! They chose four slick house captains to lock horns with each other for the rest of the year. Each Bridgy was specifically chosen by each captain into their respective houses based on an auction conducted by Sanskriti. The theme for naming each house was to embody a collective of superheroes, resulting in four powerhouses.
Avengers, Justice League, Ninja Turtles, and Suicide Squad
Their very first Sanskriti task was to actively develop logos for their houses, and then present their team in a video format, followed by a funny team skit with the chosen theme. It was all revealed at our very first monthly get-together of the year. Now this was the beacon hit that commenced the massive fire-packed contests and activities for 2023!
IT Futsal Challenge 2023 - Season 7
The seventh season of our IT Futsal Challenge was the most epic and massive one we’ve held so far! This time it was known as YOKE IT Futsal Challenge 2023, thanks to our title sponsor! It was a magnificent and thrilling nine-day event that had a slew of other popular sports competitions as well, meaning…more action! It included:
Men’s Futsal, Women’s Futsal, Badminton Mixed Doubles, Badminton Men’s Doubles, Badminton Women’s Doubles, Table Tennis Doubles, Men’s Cricket, and Women’s Cricket.
The entire event took place at our always-welcoming United Sports Center in Kochi. The tournament was a huge success owing to 200+ teams displaying their power-packed sportsmanship across various sports events.
The event also held a social media photo contest as well - Yoke Click ‘n’ Win.
The atmosphere of the entire event was electric, ecstatic, and rage-filled as players fiercely competed to conquer the season title! And these were the incredible title champions of our seventh season:
- Men’s Futsal: Infosys
- Women’s Futsal: TCS Kochi
- Badminton Mixed Doubles: UST Kochi
- Badminton Men’s Doubles: TCS Kochi
- Badminton Women’s Doubles: UST Kochi
- Table Tennis Doubles: UST Kochi
- Men’s Cricket: Cognizant
- Women’s Cricket: TCS Kochi

YOKE IT Futsal Challenge 2023 was elegantly concluded with a ‘gala-'ctic’ closing ceremony of Happy Hours’ Cyber Sunday Edition. It showcased the panache of various techies including our Bridgys’ as well.
The success of YOKE IT Futsal Challenge 2023 and Happy Hours Cyber Sunday seemed too good to be true! It was a moment worth celebrating and appreciating our unwavering and wholehearted efforts - a time to remember and cherish for the rest of our lives!
The Internal Face-Off
This was Sanskriti’s very own internal arts and sports tournament for the houses. The sports tournament included Badminton and Table Tennis in both doubles and mixed categories. Other classic games were involved as well such as Carroms and Snake & Ladder. All the houses exhibited great sportsmanship and passion. Everyone kept the spirit alive and aced the tournament with their phenomenal flair. The high cheers from all the houses encouraged every player even if they weren't part of the players’ team. We were moved by this oneness of the Bridge family which meant a lot! And this was the cherry on top that beautifully struck an arrow in our hearts!
Women’s Day Luncheon

It's a beautiful custom here at Bridge to bountifully honor its women's squad and celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
This year, we celebrated International Women's Day with the theme #EmbraceEquity and with a sumptuous luncheon! We struck a pose declaring solidarity with the theme.
TechWhizz Learning Sessions
TechWhizz has been our long-going tech platform for techies from different walks of life to share, collaborate, and build towards innovation. This year around we initiated various tech-based learning sessions as part of it led by some of our Bridgys! Each session ended with engaging and interactive Q&A sessions. Here are the highlights of the same with their topic pinned against.
- Greeshma Prakash - Declarative UIs with Jetpack Compose
- Sarath Krishnaswamy J - iOS Swift UI & Widgets
- Bibin V Joseph and Binoop V - Basics of Docker
- Akhil M - Session on Umbraco

Thank you all for this. It has been insightful in every way and the effort you have put into it was tech-tacular!
Monthly Get-Together With an Iftar Charm!
Sanskriti's monthly get-together always comes with a unique flavor. It’s a time to test ourselves in the quirky house competitions that are made to break your back (and sometimes be embarrassed), as well as enjoy our peers' birthday celebrations. But this one was indeed special as Sanskriti gracefully wrapped up with a mini but delightful Iftar feast! It seems like Iftar is growing on us every year as a memorable one at Bridge!
Off-Campus Recruitment Drive 2023
An Off-Campus Recruitment Drive took place at our cradle for fresh grads/post-grads. It was amazing to see so many newbies vying to be the next "Bridgys" as the response was so overwhelming that it literally peeked to almost a ‘grand.’
Here’s a sneak peek of our hunt for new and young minds!
New Faces, Fresh Perspectives
Our company successfully inducted a couple of young whiz-kids as our new Bridgys from the massive Off-Campus Recruitment Drive 2023! We gotta say the filtering was not as easy as pie. It was all about choosing the right candidates with the right skills, and attitude, and the ones that align with our culture! After rigorous interviews and shortlisting, these were the new young Bridgys that joined our dynamic squad!
Mock Fire Drill Session
Every second matters in the case of a fire. The personnel of an organization must undergo quick and orderly emergency evacuation exercises. With the expert guidance of the fire and safety officers from the Thrikkakara Fire and Safety Department, we devised a mock fire drill session that illustrated how evacuation exercises can save lives.

They organized a successful Mock Fire Drill session along with their invaluable advice and training. It touched on how we should prepare for a fire emergency, key factors for emergency procedures, and how to prepare personnel to safely escape the building.
We honor these heroic officers for preparing us to bravely confront and overcome such incidents way ahead.
Star Performers
We meticulously recognize consistent performers, and this year was no exception in bringing out the party poppers!
Employees who consistently go above and beyond aid our organization in meeting its goals and are an inspiration to others to succeed. They are proactive and self-organizing which is why it’s an annual tradition here to recognize and reward them. And meet our stars for 2023:
- Q2 2023 - Sanjay M
- Q3 2023 - Nishad H & Sreenth B Chandran
- Q4 2023 - Yedu M Panicker & Asha
The way they dedicated themselves to excellence has been a true benchmark for us all.
The Colors of Onam
Bridge absolutely adores Onam! We continue to cherish the vitality, peace, and high spirits of this auspicious festival every year. More than that, it means spending a wonderful day with the Bridge fam, brimming with delight and hollers!
Every Bridgy took part in this festive magnificence by wearing traditional clothes, competing in Onam games and activities, and enjoying a great feast that brought back the genuine essence of Onam.
Flower carpets and decorations were embellished in our office. A Bridgy costumed as 'Maveli' (the legendary king in whose honor the event is held) gave a humorous aspect to the festivities.
We experienced many beautiful moments and it never ceases to astonish us each year how we assemble and make the most of this festival! Here's something for you to savor its colors!
Journey to The Tropical Paradise - Goooaaa!
Bridgys took a break from their daily grind and set off on an annual trip to the stunning beaches and vibrant culture of Goa.

Like that song goes - “palm trees, coconuts, white sand beaches…” - Goa was a tropical blast for Bridgys! Blending into its beauty with their favorite, quirky peeps was like unlocking #squadgoals at its peak!
Here’s a flick to catch some of our memorable experiences that happened during our Goan bash.
Our Very Own Medical Team!
Prioritizing employee well-being is more important than ever in today's fast-paced business environment.
In an emergency, prompt medical intervention can make a substantial impact. Meet Bridge Global’s Medical Team, all dedicated to safeguarding the safety of their peers and learning to save lives!
We thank the personnel of the Indian Institute of Emergency Medical Services (IIEMS), Edappally for beautifully facilitating this session.

Keeping Up With Santa!
The month of December began with our workplace space being decked out in a shimmering holiday mood. We were hard at work decorating our area with garlands, swags, wreaths, ribbons, and, of course, a spectacular Christmas tree as the centerpiece.

Everything culminated in a spectacular Christmas celebration on December 21.
Our fantastic party included carols, prizes, New Year's delicacies, Secret Santa gifts, cake and wine, and so much more.
Sanskriti organized a Christmas special 'scavenger hunt' for all the teams to brighten up the fab season with a thrilling treasure hunt based upon a series of intriguing clues.
Long-Service & Title Awards 2023
Aside from being all Christmassy, our Christmas Celebration took on a formal tone as we recognized our decade-plus Bridgys with long-service awards and our Bridge’s top-notch title holders for the year! And these are the winners:
Our Long-Service Awardee: Jinesh V, and our 2023 Title Award Winners are:
- Pinnacle Performer of the Year - Sanjay M
- Most Integral Bridgy - Suja
- Most Consistent Bridgy - Ebin Paulose
- Most Professional Bridgy - Sreenath Menon R
- Most Supporting Bridgy - Vishnu K J
- Joyful Bridgy - Cynthia George
- Most Emerging Bridgy - Nishad H
- and Dashing Debut - Binoop V

Keying Happiness Before The New Year
Receiving a New Year gift from the office is like unwrapping a bundle of joy and appreciation. It's a thoughtful gesture that instantly warms the heart, creating a sense of gratitude and camaraderie as we step into the new year together.

It's a fun tradition at Bridge Global to surprise workers with fantastic New Year Gifts. We also did not fail this time. We could make it a festive affair because it was done on our Christmas celebration day, and we could all experience the joy of receiving.
The present giving and unwrapping created a lively atmosphere across our company.
Our Top Ten Blogs for 2023
Well, this is the final piece of our year in review - an assemblage of our most popular blogs for 2023. These are our most acknowledged and most read ones that have a heavy rep in the IT and technology industry.
7 Best Fastest File Sharing Apps for Uploading Large Files
Introduction to Machine Learning on Node.js
Building Web Applications With ReactPy
aaPanel: Everything You Need to Know About
Harnessing the Potential of Cloud Computing for IoT Scalability
A Quick Guide on Adminer Open Source Database Software
5 Websites Every Frontend Developer Should Bookmark
Digital Product Development - A Complete Guide
9 Lessons Learned From My Software Testing Journey
Jest: A JavaScript Testing Framework
And There You Have It!
And now we can call this a proper wrap of our most amazing 2023. Hope you had fun being part of our journey for this year. We’re sure you did! So have a great one folks!