Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hangt het success van offshoring af van de ‘shore’ of van de mensen?Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hängt der Erfolg von Offshoring von dem “Shore” oder von den Leuten ab??

About Hugo Messer

Hugo Messer is a Dutch entrepreneur, distributed agile team specialist, and author. He is the founder and owner of Bridge Global, a software services provider, and, an agile coaching agency. He has been building and managing teams around the world for the past several years. His passion is to enable people that are spread across cultures, geography and time zones to cooperate. Whether it’s offshoring or nearshoring, he knows what it takes to make global cooperation work.

One thought on “Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hangt het success van offshoring af van de ‘shore’ of van de mensen?Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hängt der Erfolg von Offshoring von dem “Shore” oder von den Leuten ab??
  1. Destination depends on specific needs, competencies etc. Indian companies offshore to China or Vietnam too.
    Most crucial factor quality of the people involved. Culture and communication being the decisive factor most of the time. A lot of work is still to be done in that field for both the Dutch and the foreign (usually Indian) companies. For more details see Outsource Magazine December 2010 page 26.
    Slowly both parties start to understand the importance of a proper training in culture and communication to work more efficiently and increase substantially their success rate. Too easily all this is taken for granted while their knowledge is quite insufficient. In an ever more competitive environment this might be a fatal mistake.