How far can offshoring go? Hoe ver kan offshoring gaan?Hur långt kan offshoring gå?Wie weit kann Offshoring gehen?
The Hackett Group published an interesting research about the future of offshoring. They did the research among 4700 companies with $1 billion in turnover or more. The researchers predict that by 2016, 2.3 million jobs will have been moved offshore from the US and Europe. This represents 1/3 of total jobs in IT, finance, procurement and HR. 40% of that goes to India.
At the same time, the EU will have a shortage of 700.000 people in IT by 2015. 90% of all jobs will include an IT component. The IT sector is growing rapidly as companies become dependent on IT systems for operations and growth. So companies have a big incentive to move jobs offshore or nearshore.
De Hackett Group heeft een interessant onderzoek gepubliceerd over de toekomst van offshoring. 4700 bedrijven met een omzet van 1 biljoen dollar of meer werden onderzocht. De onderzoekers verwachten dat in 2016 2.3 miljoen banen offshore verplaatst zijn vanuit de VS en Europa. Dit is 1/3 van het totaal aantal banen in IT, financiën, inkoop en HR. 40% daarvan gaat naar India.
Tegelijkertijd zal de EU in 2015 een tekort van 700.000 mensen in IT hebben. 90% van alle banen zullen een IT gedeelte bevatten. De IT sector groeit snel omdat bedrijven meer afhankelijk worden van IT systemen. Bedrijven zullen dus snel geneigd zijn banen offshore of nearshore te verplaatsen.
The Hacket Group publicerade en intressant undersökning om framtiden för offshoring. De gjorde undersökningen hos 4700 företag med en omsättning på 1 miljard dollar eller mer. De som utförde forskningen förutspår att år 2016 så kommer 2,3 miljoner jobb att ha flyttats offshore från USA och Europa. Detta representerar 1/3 av alla arbetstillfällen inom IT, Finans, upphandling och HR. 40 % av dem går till Indien.
Samtidigt kommer EU att ha en brist på ca 700.000 personer inom IT år 2015. 90 % av jobben kommer att innehålla komponenter av IT. IT-sektorn växer snabbt då företag blir mer beroende av IT-system för drift och tillväxt. Så företag har vidare ett starkt incitament att flytta fler arbetstillfällen offshore eller nearshore.
Die Hackett Group veröffentlichte eine interessante Untersuchung über die Zukunft des Offshoring. Für die Studie wurden 4 700 Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz ab einer Milliarde US-Dollar untersucht. Die Forscher prophezeiten, dass bis zum Jahr 2016 2,3 Millionen Jobs aus Europa und den USA ins Ausland verlagert werden. Dies entspricht einem Drittel aller Arbeitsplätze in der IT-, Finanz-, Beschaffungs- und Personal-Branche. 40% der ausgelagerten Arbeitsplätze gehen nach Indien.
Gleichzeitig wird die EU bis 2015 einen Mangel an 700 000 IT-Arbeitskräften aufweisen.90% aller Jobs werden eine IT-Komponente enthalten. Der IT-Sektor wächst rasant, da Unternehmen abhängig von IT-Systemen für ihren Unternehmensbetrieb und dessen Wachstum werden. Deshalb haben Firmen einen großen Anreiz Arbeitsplätze auf Near-oder Offshore umzustellen.
The question is how far can offshoring go? Will there always be more jobs to move offshore? The Hackett Group predicts that by 2014, the levels of movement will begin to decline and in the decade after that, will come to a halt. By 2022, they predict that all jobs that can be moved, will have been moved offshore.
I strongly believe that companies gain more experience with offshoring and based on that experience, they can organize more work with a global workforce. What I wonder about is the speed of this movement. The past 6 years I have been involved in offshore and nearshore IT outsourcing. What I see is that the US is offshoring much more much more easily. Europeans are very reserved as they all have considerations about language and cultural differences. The past 6 years, I have seen IT outsourcing become much more ‘normal’. But I believe Europe still has to see the biggest growth in the next decade. I sincerely hope that European companies will offshore as much as the Hackett Group predicts. But I doubt that this will happen fast enough to fill the gap of 700.000 people.
Speaking of the IT industry, the rate of offshoring will decrease when the onshore consultanties learn that they have to adapt and that the days of Massive Margins are over. However, in a connected world outsourcing will never go away so offshoring will be an important tool in a company’s outsourcing strategy.
Of course one of the biggest challenge of offshoring is finding a suitable service provider. You may face risks of quality, customer dissatisfaction, intellectual property, etc., but as long as you can find a good one, it will certainly pays off. Offshoring is not just about cutting down costs, it’s also a lot about helping you to find more talents and unique ideas. So in my own opinions, the future of offshoring is not that doom :)
Very interesting article. Thank you very much for sharing.