
A Quick Synopsis on Software Test Estimation

Software Test Estimation is a crucial management activity in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It plays a key role in the success of a project by ensuring proper execution of tasks. Prior to the estimation, you need to ask …

5 Reasons Why ReactJS Is A Trending Technology?

21 June 2018 Technology

JavaScript web frameworks are the most preferred platform among developers. The Java ecosystem has a number of super performing stars. Among them, ReactJS is the most loved framework as revealed by the survey conducted by Stack Overflow. ReactJS is created …

Our Website Adopts a Totally New Look!

After months of dedication and hard work, we have launched our newly revamped website! This is indeed an exciting and pleasant occasion for us, Bridgys, to have a website that exudes freshness in design and content. Our founder, Hugo Messer, …

Blockchain – The What, Why, How and Where

6 June 2018 Technology

Blockchain is the most disruptive technological innovation that came into existence since the Internet. It is presumed to lead a digital revolution touching all the major sectors in an impactful way. Here you will get a quick overview of what, …

How To Make Your Website GDPR Compliant?

24 May 2018 News

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the data privacy law introduced by the European Union (EU). The law ensures the security of users’ personal data like name, email, phone number, photo, IP address etc. This law comes into force by …

IT Futsal Challenge 2018 Wraps Up. See You Guys in an Ever More Exciting Next Season.

We wrapped up the second edition of IT Futsal Challenge on Sunday (13th May 2018). We are happy that we could wake up techies to the fun of Futsal, a small yet exciting variant of the field football. The game …

8 Reasons Why Magento is a Complete Omnichannel eCommerce Platform

Today’s tech-savvy customers are looking to have a seamlessly connected shopping experience across multiple channels. They do not allow any device or location to interrupt their shopping experience. Therefore, brands need to nourish their customers at each phase of the …

Testing of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Can machines think and behave like humans or animals? From this question starts the life of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Nowadays, AI …

Magento on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Magento Commerce (cloud), formerly Enterprise Cloud Edition, is a hosting platform for Magento created specifically for cloud infrastructures. It is a managed and automated platform that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. This combines Magento Commerce, cloud infrastructure hosting, …

Internet of Things: A Smart Solution

British Technology pioneer Kevin Ashton coined the phrase “the Internet of Things” (IOT) to describe the network connecting objects in the physical world to the Internet. Physical objects are made smart by connecting them to the internet and transmitting data …

We are Indians, and yes, we can say ‘No’!

Mr Tom (client) – So Sunjay, here is the situation. I have a demo in 10 days and I would like the whole platform to be ready a day before. I hope that is a fair request? Sunjay (Bridgy) – …

Securing your Website with HTTPS Protocol, Padlock & Green Address Bar!

Establishing secure internet transaction is integral to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of website communication with browsers. Installing SSL Certificate on the web server is the best way to achieve this. Let’s have a quick look at how this can …