
Conservatism and the benefits of a global workforceConservatisme en de voordelen van een wereldwijd personeelsbestandKonservatism och fördelarna med en global arbetsstyrkaKonservatismus und die Vorteile von einer weltweiten Belegschaft

Organisations are traditionally: a place where people gather to work on something they are specialized in to create a certain service or product. Last century this place was often a factory and in the second half of the century, we …

5 Cultural Tips for Managing Global Teams

Avi Elkoni wrote an article for our blog about the 5 lethal mistakes in offshore software development. The first lethal mistake is downplaying cultural differences. I absolutely agree that culture has a big impact on globally distributed software projects. I …

Five lethal mistakes in offshore software developmentVijf grote fouten in offshore softwareontwikkeling Fem farliga misstag med offshorad mjukvaruutvecklingFünf tödliche Fehler bei der Offshore-Softwareentwicklung

As I’m sure you’ve heard, there are far-away lands where the best and brightest youths flock to science and technology schools. They emerge a few years later in hoards of brilliant and eager software developers. Why not put them to …

Agile Improvement Projects

Business needs for improvement projects are changing. Organizations expect faster results from their investments; they want their improvement projects to adapt to and follow changing business needs and be more engrained with the organizational way of working. The agile way …

How far can offshoring go? Hoe ver kan offshoring gaan?Hur långt kan offshoring gå?Wie weit kann Offshoring gehen?

The Hackett Group published an interesting research about the future of offshoring. They did the research among 4700 companies with $1 billion in turnover or more. The researchers predict that by 2016, 2.3 million jobs will have been moved offshore …

What is the role of empathy in an offshoring context?Wat voor rol speelt empathie in een offshoring context?Vad spelar empati för roll i ett offshoringsammanhang?Was ist die Rolle von Empathie in einem Offshoring-Kontext?

Last week, I gave a presentation at the Technical University in Delft and one of my topics was ’empathy’. I always get some questioning faces when I present a slide with a definition of empathy on it. Normally, technologists get taught about …

How to Choose the Right Business Process Outsourcing Companies?Hoe kiest u een BPO bedrijf?Hur man väljer rätt BPO-leverantörer (Business Process Outsourcing)Wie man die richtige Firma für sein Outsourcing von Geschäftsprozessen auswählt?

Looking and choosing the right business process outsourcing companies should not be taken lightly if you want to ensure on time project delivery with the highest quality of work. Selecting a BPO provider must be prioritized first before choosing the …

The impact of offshoring on your businessDe invloed van offshoring op uw bedrijfInverkan av offshoring på ditt företagDie Auswirkungen von Offshoring auf ihr Unternehmen

I recently published an article on the famous Dutch IT magazine ‘Computable‘. In response to this article, I received some questions from Reza Sarshar of interaccess. The questions are interesting and I want to address all of them in this article. 1. What …

What Tools Do You Use for Managing Global Teams?

Managing global teams requires a solid structure and the right (software) tools. I often get the question of what tools we use in our company. I am always surprised when I show someone our project management tool, what impression it makes on …

How software developers can overcome Cross-Cultural Communication mistakes in IT offshoring?

The IT talent pool available in India is highly skilled. These educated IT professionals are good English speakers. They should always try to go that extra mile in cross-cultural communication to understand customer’s needs when working on an IT offshore …

Managing Agile Projects

More and more organizations are adopting Agile ways of working. The descriptions of Agile methods give much guidance on how to work agile on the team level. They describe the practices and support the set-up of Agile teams. But there …

What is the secret to success in offshoring?Wat is de sleutel tot succes bij offshoring?Vad är nyckeln till framgång i offshoring?Was ist das Erfolgsgeheimnis von Offshoring?

As with anything in the world, there is no holy grail to make something work. In offshoring, there are many factors that influence the success of your projects. But I believe that there are 2 things that determine the success …