
Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hangt het success van offshoring af van de ‘shore’ of van de mensen?Does offshoring success depend on the ‘shore’ or the people?Hängt der Erfolg von Offshoring von dem “Shore” oder von den Leuten ab??

A friend sent me this Dilbert illustration; I had to study it several times to conclude what’s the main message to me. You could interpret it in many ways; for me it drives home one thing: the success of offshoring depends on people, not on ‘bestshore, nearshore, rightshore, offshore or farshore’. The offshoring industry has come up with many confusing definitions to describe a simple thing: hiring people from another country to do a project or (parts of) a process. (For an interesting thought article on terminology, read this article of Gavin Bowden-Hall).

Implementing an effective software development process: Agile, Scrum, CMMI and where to start

The common way of organizing software projects in most software firms is (or was) the waterfall method. Most firms don’t choose this process deliberately, but grow into it, because it’s a natural human way to get organized. It has its …

Not outsourcing to increase own skill sets?Niet outsourcen zodat eigen vaardigheden vergroot worden? Not outsourcing to increase own skill sets?Nicht outsourcen, um Ihre eigenen Qualifikationen zu steigern?

  About the Authour:Alfred Tuinman,the Managing Director of CS India Steel Pvt Ltd.He is a Financial Controller in Amsterdam, a Certified Information Systems Auditor, and a Business Development Strategist. It was in South of Negombo, Sri Lanka. I found myself …

5 top reasons for IT project failure and how offshoring can help5 redenen waarom IT projecten mislukken en hoe offshoring kan helpen5 top reasons for IT project failure and how offshoring can help5 Top Gründe für das Misslingen von IT Projekten und wie Offshoring helfen kann

A recent research from American project management consultancy PM Solutions identifies the top 5 causes of project failure. The research among 163 companies shows that only 47% of projects are termed ‘successful’, whereas the remaining 53% could be labeled ‘failure’ (either terminated, …

YouTube:The strongest online tool to generate tons of traffic to your websiteYouTube: de sterkste online tool voor veel gebruikers op uw website YouTube:The strongest online tool to generate tons of traffic to your websiteYouTube: Das stärkste Online-Werkzeug, um große Mengen an Besuchern auf Ihre Webseite zu locken

 YouTube- the most exciting online video phenomenon is spreading its wings as the second largest search engine after Google. You tube already has 1.73 billion viewers and 45 tera bytes of video. It has a billion numbers of viewers that …

How can you ensure quality in offshore software development?Hoe waarborgt u kwaliteit in offshore softwareontwikkeling? How can you ensure quality in offshore software development?Wie können Sie die Qualität in Offshore Softwareentwicklung sicherstellen?

Frequently, I hear people mention that ‘the quality’ of the software that is produced offshore is bad. Or people say ‘Indians produce bad quality’. Or they say ‘outsourcing doesn’t work, because the quality is too low’. Such conclusions sound like …

When do you start looking for an offshore employee?Wanneer gaat u op zoek naar een offshore werknemer?When do you start looking for an offshore employee?Wann beginnt man sich nach einem Offshore Angestellten umzusehen?

Many companies struggle with finding the right person for the right position, because there is a lack of talent available in the market. The forecasts on the scarcity of talent are not very promising. As the economies grow and (especially …

Open Coffee Alkmaar stimulates Indian education

As an employee at the Indian development office of Bridge I was asked to help the local community with money gathered by the members of Open Coffee Alkmaar, The Netherlands. Obviously this was my chance to return the favor and …

Does offshoring lead to a loss of knowledge?Leidt offshoring tot een verlies van kennis? Leder offshoring till förlorad kunskap?Führt Offshoring zu einem Verlust von Wissen?

Volkskrant, a popular newspaper in the Netherlands, published an article with the title ‘knowledge economy under pressure because of shortage of IT people‘. In the Netherlands (and the rest of Europe), there are big shortages of skilled IT people. ICT …

Open Coffee Alkmaar donates stitching machine in IndiaOpen Coffee Alkmaar doneert naaimachine in IndiaOpen Coffee Alkmaar donerar sy maskin i IndienOpen Coffee Alkmaar spendet Nähmaschine in Indien

After making a donation for the education of Meenu, an orphan from Kochi, we got to help out the twenty year old Neethu with another donation of members of Open Coffee Alkmaar, Netherlands. Neethu was born in a poor family. …

5 Mistakes Made When Offshoring & what to do about them5 Veelgemaakte Fouten Bij Offshoring & wat daar aan te doen5 Mistakes Made When Offshoring & what to do about them5 Fehler beim Offshoring und was man dagegen tun kann

24 February 2011 Offshoring

The shared services & outsourcing network published a good list of ten mistakes that companies make when offshoring. Although all factors are relevant, by focusing improvement efforts on 5 of them, you will improve your chances of success by at …

How do I know if I am ready for offshoring or nearshoring?

Offshoring and nearshoring are becoming increasingly popular. Articles are published about new offshoring decisions made by multinationals almost every day. And with the eternal struggle to find talent and lower costs, the importance of involving people from offshore or nearshore …