Have you ever outsourced a web project to an offshore supplier, getting completely stressed because it all looked very promising but in the end the project just never finished? Or you simply had to redo everything yourself? If you did, …
What is a blog? What are the main features of a blog? A series of questions arise. According to Wikipedia a blog is usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other materials such …
As many of our customers are into web development, we try to stay ahead of trends on the internet. The past few weeks we have spent substantial time trying to figure out how we can best use Twitter to the …
I came across a very interesting article on the blog of Infosys. The author, Ritesh Radhakrishnan, describes why currently available wireframe tools fall short in capturing the requirements of a rich web 2.0 site or application. As traditional websites were …
The whole idea of social networking, and Bridge getting actively involved , makes one wonder , what we have in store there. I see it as an apt place to share our company’s mission, our vision for the future and …
As Bridge has gained extensive experience in open source technology, we start developing more complex web applications. I read a lot about open source technology versus closed source technology and about Google versus Microsoft. It seems that nobody knows what …